
The customer at the center of our work with direct contact.


Safety of people and goods transported.


Prices compliant with European competition directives.

Customer care

Constant support from our operators.


Since its foundation Strammiello Trasporti Srl, has always occupied a leading position in the sector of "Provision of national and international road haulage services for third parties of non-perishable miscellaneous goods. Provision of services for the storage of goods on behalf of third parties", mainly excelling for the QUALITY of the services provided.

  • I satisfy all the requests and expectations of customers and the market

  • They comply with the requirements of national and European standards

  • They are available at competitive and profitable prices for society

  • Continuously improve the Company's image on the market and with clients

In this regard, the objectives that the management has set for continuous improvement are:
• in relation to the Quality System:
• make everyone understand the contents of the present system as well as the management procedures;
• commit to providing adequate resources for the achievement of the objectives;
• implementation of audits in order to monitor company processes for the purposes of finding sources of improvement;
• analyse the data provided by the implementation of business processes.
• in relation to the realisation of the service:
• effective implementation with annual meetings with topics related to the management of national and international transport for third parties, and storage of goods on behalf of customers;
• reduction of the number of non-compliant issues occurring and examination of the same;
• in relation to the customer:
• implementation of procedures aimed at their satisfaction;
• monitoring of satisfaction by paying attention to unexpressed needs.
To achieve all the aforementioned objectives, the Company Quality System was established as described in the Quality Management manual. The objective of this System is to comply with the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard, as a means to satisfy both the organisational needs of the company and those of customers and the market in the field of quality. The company intends to make the satisfaction of the interested parties a fundamental requirement of the ISO 9001 standard. The interested parties being the Customers, owners, workers, society or the community, and suppliers. In order to achieve this, Strammiello Trasporti Srl seeks transparent forms of communication with the public both for the diffusion of the company policy to the interested parties and for the reception of opinions / ideas and suggestions coming from outside and valuable for the critical review of objectives and targets set by the company.
Improvement targets, in particular, will be formulated every year. These objectives, defined by the Management, will be documented and communicated to the interested parties. In accordance with scientific and technological progress, the business objectives will be applied based on market logic, to all the company's activities, services, processes and raw materials. All company personnel are required to know the contents of this manual in relation to their duties and their level of responsibility and have the mandatory obligation to operate in accordance with the provisions of this manual and the applicable documents mentioned here.
Within the limits of their respective competences, everyone must consider Quality as a theme of primary importance and as an integral part of their work activity.
All employees are encouraged to suggest improvement proposals regarding their activities. To ensure that this policy is communicated and understood within the company, it was decided to post it in "hot spots" of the company so that at any time it is possible to view the objectives and the commitment that the company proposes in order to implement the QMS. Furthermore, it is intended, at least once a year, on the occasion of the communication to the staff of the annual objectives of the review, to also describe the present requirements.

Strammiello Trasporti is a transport and logistics company capable of responding to modern commercial needs with men and vehicles of the highest level.